" When God tells you what to do, you do not hesitate " 

3 years ago, IT'S TIME EVENT launched the BLACK BUSINESS EXPO in Ottawa, Canada. The concept is to have a day dedicated to all the black businesses to showcase their work, network and sell their products. This year, the expo was at the Shaw Centre. I've participated, bought things and enjoyed my time. But this year though, was different. Walk with me ...

I got to see the work that goes into what makes the expo what it is. I had the privilege of helping my friend launch her long time dream at the expo.

The older I get, the more I learn, you have to love the process. The sleepless nights, the anxiety, the breakdowns etc... are all a part of the process. if you don't tell yourself you're gonna quit at least 50 times, are you really dedicated to your goals? It's easy to have an idea and watch it come to life. The hard part, is maintaining it. The hard part is pushing through the ups and downs and coming out on the other side.

Ever since I met my friend, she's been a herbalist. She's been into organic skin care and hair care and has always talked about it. It's always been her dream to have an organic line and share it's benefits with the world. Her dream was always to heal others in an organic way. Hearing someone talk about their passion and watching it come to life was the most beautiful thing to see. From the name, to the first ever released products (samples), to the business cards and the banner, to the logo and to now releasing the final product to the world. It was amazing to see man! I felt like I had a first class seat to what I usually see the end results of. I was inspired.

This reminded me of the quote I've read on Twitter that said : " when God tells you what to do, you do not hesitate". She was given this gift since birth and although delays happened, she got to see God's word come to life exactly how He intended for it to happen. I have tested the products and it's helped my skin and hair a lot. I am so excited that the world gets to live the testimony I have been raving about all these years. 

This year, a lot of businesses showed out and just like the two previous years, it was amazing to be a part of it. 

Dear God,

You know our destiny from our mother's wombs'. I am so thankful for putting such a talented woman in my life. I thank you for putting an example of hard work and perseverance into my peripheral. Thank you for reminding me of your divine timing. I thank you for Botanik Essence and the brain and hands behind it. May it bring healing and confidence to those that will use it. I pray that you give strength and financial stability to your daughter as she maneuvers the waters of entrepreneurship. I leave her needs and desires into your hands and pray that you magnify her vision. I pray for the world to see your intentions through this organic hair & skincare line. All the glory belongs to You.


For more details, head over to @botanik.essence on INSTAGRAM to place your order.


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